Lect | Date | Topic | Reference |
1 |
01/09 |
Introduction |
[MG 4, Go 9] |
| | Hashing | |
2 |
01/14 |
Universal Hashing |
[Er 5, MU 5.5] |
3 |
01/16 |
Consistent Hashing |
[Va 1] |
4 |
01/21 |
Bloom Filter |
[MU 5.5] |
5 |
01/23 |
Sketches, Security Hash Functions |
[CY 3.4, Ph 11.2, KL 5,6] |
| | Data Compression | |
6 |
01/28 |
Huffman Coding, Entropy |
[Bl] |
7 |
01/30 |
Move-to-Front, Sliding Window Methods |
[Bl] |
| | Similarity Analysis | |
8 |
02/04 |
Distance Measures |
[Ph 4] |
9 |
02/06 |
Clustering: k-center, k-means |
[PH 8, BHK 7] |
10 |
02/11 |
Clustering: k-means++, hierarchical |
[Ph 8, BHK 7] |
11 |
02/13 |
NN Searching: Low Dimensions |
[HP 2, 17] |
12 |
02/18 |
NN Searching: LSH |
[Ph 4.6, HP 18] |
13 |
02/20 |
NN Searching: Graph Based |
[IX] |
14 |
02/25 |
Dimension Reduction |
[BHK 2, Ma 15] |
| | Linear Algebraic Methods | |
15 |
02/27 |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) |
[Ph 7, Va]
Exam |
03/04 |
Midterm 1 (Lectures 1-13) |
16 |
03/06 |
PCA Applications |
[Ph 7, Va] |
17 |
03/18 |
Singular Value Decomposition |
[Ph 7, BHK 3, Va]
18 |
03/20/04 |
Tensor Methods |
[Va, Mo 3] |
19 |
03/25 |
Spectral Clustering |
[Ph 10] |
| | Sampling and Estimation | |
20 |
03/27 |
VC-dimension, eps-net, eps-approx |
[HP 5, BHK 5] |
21 |
04/01 |
Reservoir and Importance Sampling |
[Ph 2, 11.1; Va] |
22 |
04/03 |
Coresets |
[HP 23] |
23 |
04/08 |
Random Walk on Graphs |
[Ph 10, BHK 4] |
24 |
04/10 |
MCMC Methods |
[Ph 10, BHK 4] |
| | Privacy and Fairness | |
25 |
04/15 |
Differential Privacy |
[DR] |
26 |
04/17 |
Algorithnic Fairness |
Exam |
04/22 |
Midterm 2 (Lectures 14-26)