CompSci 101, Fall 2018

Course Meeting Time

101.01, Tu/Thu 1:25-2:40 in B101 LSRC
101.02, Tu/Thu 3:05-4:20 in B101 LSRC

Professor: Kristin Stephens-Martinez

  • Office Hours in LSRC D224
    Wednesday 10:30-11:30
    Friday 3:30-4:30
  • Email: ksm AT

Graduate TA: Ji Yeon Kim

  • Office Hours in North 306
    Mondays 4:30-6:30
  • Email: jykim AT

Graduate TA: Ming Yang

  • Office Hours in LSRC D301
    Tuesday 9:30-10:30
    Thursday 10:30-11:30
  • Email: myang AT

HEAD Undergraduate TAs (UTAs)

Lab Sections:

You should be signed up for one lab. Labs are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Labs start August 29, 2018.

Section Day/Time Room UTA
01 Wed 11:45pm-1:00pmAllen 103 Margaret Overton and Richard Asfour
02Wed 1:25pm-2:40pmSocial Sciences 124 Emily Liu and David Wohlever Sanchez
03Wed 3:05pm-4:20pmLSRC A156 Jonathon Kuo and Shreyas Kulkarni
04Wed 4:40pm-5:55pmSociology Psychology 127 Jane Lupica and Alison Jacobs
05/15Wed 6:15pm-7:30pmLSRC A156 Jonathan Nakagawa and Vicki Zhang
06Thu 11:45-1:00pmLSRC A155 Meghan Peel and David Wohlever Sanchez
07Thu 4:40-5:55pmLSRC A155 Anshul Shah and Isabel Shiff
08Thu 10:05-11:20amAllen 326 Christina Chen and Lavonne Hoang
09/11Wed 11:45-1:00pmBiological Sciences 130 Carolina Isaza and Ethan Astrachan
12/19Wed 1:25-2:40pmFrench Science 2237 Matthew Feng and Orgil Batzaya
13Wed 3:05-4:20pmLSRC A155 Frank Hu and Leah Schwartz
14Wed 4:40-5:55pmSocial Sciences 124 Rebecca Luner and Victoria Wu
15Wed 6:15-7:30pmSee Lab 05
16/17Thu 11:45-1:00pmAllen 326 Min Soo Kim and Molly Apsel
18Thu 10:05-11:20amLSRC A155 Vivian Kirby and Sean Cho
19Wed 1:25-2:40amSee Lab 12

Text (Required)

Clicking on the link below will take you to the Runestone Interactive E-book. This is a free book required for Compsci 101 at Duke. You will need to register for the book by specifying a username. For the course name choose DukeCS101FA18 -- this will allow you to track your progress and for us to track the class' progress.
How To Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python: Interactive Edition
by Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyer

How to get the book: