CompSci 101, Fall 2018

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Eclipse and Python On Your Laptop

You can use the VM (see below) or install Eclipse/Python on your own machine using these instructions.

Virtual Machine (VM)

Click here for the VM and more info on the VM and also troubleshooting.

Resources for Studying

Peer Instructions

Link to the google doc of peer instructions converted into Google form quizzes
We make copies of the peer instructions and turn them into Google form quizzes to help with studying. As we make copies, the link to the copy will be put in this Google doc.

Old Tests

Old tests in Python from Fall 2010 onward
Starting in Spring 2018, CompSci 101 was taught using Python3, which means all prior exams will be in Python2 and therefore the answers are based on Python2, not Python3.

In Fall 2012, CompSci 6 was renumbered to CompSci 101. Since 1994 CompSci 6 was taught in C++, then Java and then Python starting in Fall 2010. Hence, this is from 2010 onward.

Exam Reference Sheets

Exam 1 Reference Sheet

Exam 2 Reference Sheet

Course Environment Resources and Getting Started

Virtual Machine - There is a Virtual Machine (VM) environment where we have setup everything for you to use. With this environment you can use any computer (needs to be a laptop or desktop, not an ipad or tablet or phone) and your files will be backed up. That means if your laptop breaks, you can just login to any Duke computer and keep working with your files!

NOTE: After using the VM you MUST close your browser window! You will not be able to login to another browser window until you do so.

Instructions First time: The first time you login to eclipse you will need to setup Python. We will also do this in lab so you can wait for lab to do it there.

Click here for the VM.

Click here for more info on the VM and troubleshooting.

Click here for more info on your own machine.

Sources of extra Python practice

Hour of Python

Practice Python

Coding Bat for Python

JSON References

Online JSON Viewer