Date | Topic | Materials |
Introduction. Examples of linear and integer programs. Solution by graphical inspection. Linear programs in abstract form. | Lecture notes 1. | |
Applications. Maximum flow. Combinatorial (reverse) auctions. Zero-sum games. Markov decision processes. (Kemeny) rank aggregation. Sudoku. | Lecture notes 2. | |
Using the GNU Linear Programming Kit and its modeling language. | Lecture notes 3. Homework 1. |
Duality. Weak duality, strong duality, complementary slackness. | Lecture notes 4. | |
Duality in applications. | Lecture notes 5. | |
A direct proof of strong duality. | ||
The simplex algorithm. | Lecture notes ?. | |
Network flow problems. | Lecture notes ?. | |
Constraint and column generation. The cutting stock problem. | Lecture notes ?. | |
The ellipsoid algorithm. Polynomial-time separation oracles. | MIT lecture notes one and two. (For the midterm, you do not need to know things that we didn't cover in class.) | |
An illustrative example: the core and network flows. | Lecture notes ?. | |
Branch and bound. | Lecture notes ?. | |
Valid inequalities/cutting planes. | Lecture notes ?. |