CompSci 290
Spring 2024
Educational Technology Practicum

We suggest that engineering should be viewed as an experimental process. It is not, of course, an experiment conducted solely in a laboratory under controlled conditions.
Rather, it is an experiment on a social scale involving human subjects.
— Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger

Submitting Work

All projects are expected to be completed by pushing your code to the course Gitlab server by the end of the day given as the due date (i.e., 11:59:59pm).


  1. Update APT System
  2. LLM Learning Assistant
  3. Update Online "Book"
  4. Final Project

Personal Essays

  1. Future of Duke
  2. Micro-credentials and Mastery
  3. EdTech Statement

Files to Submit

You should submit only

Make sure to give credit where credit is due: all asset files (images, sounds, etc.) must


Each project must be in a separate folder that includes a README file (either plain text or Markdown) that includes:

You will lose points on your assignment if it does not include a proper README file. Here is a template to get you started.

We would appreciate it if you also included your impressions of the assignment to help improve it in the future.