In-Class Discussion

Each student is expected to lead a class discussion for one reading. As a discussion lead, your responsibilities include: 1) Selecting the reading for your assigned session. The lead-selected articles should present peer-reviewed user-centered research on human-centered security. The article should be a full-length paper from any of the flagship security, privacy, or HCI conferences, including USENIX Security, IEEE S&P, PETS, CHI, HRI, and CSCW, 2) choosing two discussion prompts that require an in-depth understanding of the reading, and 3) on the day of your session, summarizing the submitted commentaries and using this summary to lead an engaging discussion lasting 10 to 15 minutes. If you are the discussion lead for a particular reading, you are not required to submit a commentary for that session. You are not required to create slides for your discussion, but if you decide to do so, you should submit your presentation slides by 10 p.m. the night before the session, which would allow me to provide feedback on your slides before the class.

As the discussion lead, you are responsible for facilitating the session's dialogue. Your duties include encouraging active participation, reviewing students' commentaries to identify key themes, and guiding the conversation based on these insights. To encourage engagement, consider employing creative strategies such as posing additional discussion prompts derived from the commentaries and organizing small group activities to explore these questions. For instance, you might divide students into small groups, allowing them to discuss specific aspects of the topic for a few minutes before sharing their insights with the entire class. Ultimately, the choice of in-class activities is yours, and you are encouraged to implement methods that you believe will most effectively engage your peers and enrich the discussion.

Discussion Lead Grading

As a discussion lead, you do not have to submit reading commentary for the session that you are leading. Indeed, your reading grade for that session will be thoroughly based on your role as the discussion lead. I will consider the following criteria when assigning your reading grade:

  • Professional: The discussion has an energetic flow, where most (if not all) students are actively engaged in it. The students' submitted commentaries were integrated into the presentation. The raised questions and comments in the discussion reflect a deep understanding of the readings and inspire new insights and perspectives on the readings. 1 point.
  • Insufficient: Either no meaningful discussion questions/prompts are raised in the class, or they are not helpful to help the conversation flow. The students' submitted commentaries are not integrated into the discussion. The discussion drifts without a well-designed structure, or the structure introduces a lot of dead time during the discussion. 0.25 points.