CPS 216: Advanced Database Systems
(Spring 2004)

Course Information
Lecture Notes
Tentative Syllabus
Programming Notes
Blackboard (Grades)
Reading Assignments

Reading assignments will be posted regularly here. We will be using the H2O system for reviewing and discussing some of the assigned research papers (those with  eval  links next to their due dates below). Make sure that you register with H2O and join the Duke CPS216 project. You can then post your reviews by participating in appropriate H2O rotisseries.

Each review should be no more than a single page and discuss the following:

  • At least three important things that the paper says;
  • At least two interesting things that you found in the paper (e.g., a non-obvious pitfall, an uncanny insight, a neat trick that could be used elsewhere);
  • At least one thing that you did not like about the paper.
For some papers (those marked with  related  next to  eval ), you will also need to identify at least three pieces of follow-up or related work not mentioned in the original papers. Summarize each piece using no more than two sentences. Useful tools for hunting down related work are CiteSeer and DBLP.

Codd. "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks." Communications of the ACM, 13(6), 1970.PDFWednesday, 01-14 eval 
Ailamaki et al. "Weaving Relations for Cache Performance." VLDB 2001.PDFWednesday, 01-21 eval   related 
Chamberlin et al. "A History and Evaluation of System R." Communications of the ACM, 24(10), 1981.PDFWednesday, 01-28 eval 
Lomet. "The Evolution of Effective B-tree Page Organization and Techniques: A Personal Account." SIGMOD Record, 30(3), 2001.PDFWednesday, 01-28 eval   related 
Guttman. "R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching." SIGMOD 1984.PDFWednesday, 02-04 eval
Hellerstein et al. "Generalized Search Trees for Database Systems." VLDB 1995.PDFMonday, 02-09 eval   related 
Brin and Page. "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine." WWW 1998.PDFMonday, 02-09 eval 
Graefe. "Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases." ACM Computing Surveys, 1993.PDFMonday, 02-16 eval 
O'Neil and Quass. "Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes." SIGMOD 1997.PDFWedensday, 02-18 eval   related 
Chou and DeWitt. "An Evaluation of Buffer Management Strategies for Relational Database Systems." VLDB 1985.PDFWednesday, 02-25 eval 
McHugh and Widom. "Query Optimization for XML." VLDB 1999.PDFMonday, 03-22 eval 
Halverson et al. "Mixed Mode XML Query Processing." VLDB 2003.PDFMonday, 03-22 eval 
Selinger et al. "Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System." SIGMOD 1979PDFWednesday, 04-14 eval
Ioannidis and Kang. "Randomized Algorithms for Optimizing Large Join Queries." SIGMOD 1990PDFWednesday, 04-14 eval
Homework Assignments

Homework may be submitted after lectures or at the intructor's office. If the instructor is not in the office, slip the homework underneath the office door. Email submissions to the instructor are okay but not encouraged. No late submissions will be graded.

Homework #1PDFThursday, 01-15Tuesday, 02-03
Homework #2PDFThursday, 02-12Thursday, 02-26
Homework #3PDFThursday, 03-18Tuesday, 04-06
Homework #4PDFTuesday, 04-13Tuesday, 04-20

See project description (PDF) for details.

Last updated Mon Apr 12 18:59:05 EDT 2004