Consulting hours begins Sunday starting 1/12 and will be Sunday through Thursday nights. Here are the CompSci 101 Spring 2025 UTAs, very happy to help you.
UTA office hours schedule is shown below.
We will have a hybrid office hours schedule with both in person and online
options. In person office hours will be located in Bio Sci 130.
Instructions for accessing consulting hours will be posted on ED and pinned to the top.
What do Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) look like?
Yasmin Abdel-Rahman
Bela Aguilar
Kevin Alvarenga
Carmen Becker Pombo
Marco Castillo
Sola Corrado
Rafael Jafet
Janet Jiang
Vivian Malnove
Melina Marjani
Katherine Newbold
Nolan Potter
Lisha Qu
Carlie Scheer
Amanuel Shetaye
Jamie Sokoloff
Oliver Stern
Lara Terry
Avari Wang
Jerry Zou