This page has several forms for filling out for regrade requests, get exam accommodations such as extra time, cannot take an exam, too sick to do work in the class, feedback on the class or UTAs, etc. Forms will be put up as we need them.
If you get SDAO accommodations for this course,
then 1) fill out this short form to let us know AND 2) also have your SDAO letter be emailed
to both Prof. Rodger and Prof. Velasco. A CompSci 101 Staff Member will then
contact you about your accommodations.
FORM FOR SDAO Accommodations Notification
This regrade request form is for Assignments,APTs, WOTOs and Labs only.
NOTE: EXAM regrades should be submitted through Gradescope. Go to the problem you want graded and then look for regrade at the bottom right of the window.
If you are sick, or an athlete traveling, or want to use one of your FOUR free extensions, you can fill out this form to request an extension. You should not be filling out this form too many times. If you are, you would need to talk to Prof. Rodger if you need it more than that.
If you do get behind you need to catch up fast. This is a difficult course to catch up in if you get behind, so you don't want to get too far behind. We have several items due each week.
Note there are no extensions for labs, WOTOS and Canvas Quizzes. In all three cases we assume you may miss a few, and we drop a few of these grades at the end of the semester.
Please fill out this form if you know in advance you will miss an exam, or you are sick on the day of the exam and cannot take it.
If Professor Rodger does not think you have a valid reason for missing the exam, you will not be able to make the exam up and you will receive a 0.
Please note having other exams, papers due, and other school work the same day or same week is not a valid reason for rescheduling the exam. Everyone in the class has other exams and papers due also.