Installing Pycharm and Python
Here are
instructions for installing PyCharm and Python 3 (These are from Fall
2024, versions may be slightly different). Pycharm is the
environment you will use to write programs,
and Python 3 is the programming language.
You can get help by going to consulting hours
You can also go to INSTALL FEST!
Get help installing Python on your computer at the Co-lab in the TEC building
Virtual Machine
If your computer breaks, you can always login to a Virtual Machine (VM)
that OIT has setup for you to access Pycharm.
Click here for instructions to use the VM.
In Fall 2012, CompSci 6 was renumbered to CompSci 101. Since 1994 CompSci 6 was taught in C++, then Java and then Python starting
in Fall 2010.
Old tests
in Python from Fall 2010 on
Forms for this course
There are many forms for regrades, making up exams, accommodations for
exams, feedback, etc.
The forms page is here
Python Reference Sheets for CompSci 101
Frequently Asked Questions
- What type of computer do I need for this course? This is a programming
course so you will definitely need a computer. Recommend a laptop, any type
will do, Mac or Windows machine. It will be handy to bring it to class and lab as we
do programming in both. A desktop will also work, but you can't bring it to
class, though you should be able to do all your programming on it other than
lecture and lab. If you don't have a laptop in lab and lecture you can work with someone who
does. Note that you need a device that you can install java and eclipse
on. An ipad or simple tablet will not work. Surface Pro works but it is a
smaller screen for development. If you plan to be a CS major, you might
want a bigger screen, thus a laptop. If you are not sure if a device is
appropriate, ask if you can install java and eclipse on it.
- How do I get the book for this course and how much does it cost?
The book is a free online textbook. Please give a $15 donation. The code
for the book will be on the Sakai site for the course under announcements.
this the right
Computer Science course for me?
Extra Stuff
The stuff below here is just extra, not needed for the class
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Microsoft knows that reliable software is not cost
effective. According to studies, 90% to 95% of all bugs are
harmless. They're
never discovered by users, and they don't affect performance. It's much
to release buggy software and fix the 5% to 10% of bugs people find and
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