COMPSCI514/ECE558 Computer Networks: Lecture Schedule

Here is the tentative schedule for lectures and assignment deadlines. All information is subject to change, and please check this page periodically for the updated schedule. Please read the assigned paper(s) before each lecture. Video recordings of past lectures can be found here.


Internet Architecture

Internet Congestion Control

Internet Routing

New technologies

Datacenter Networks

Network Measurement

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Edge Computing

Content Distribution

New Architectural Challenges

End of Semester

  • Wed, Nov 20, 2019, Due before 11:59 pm: Homework 3

  • Th, Nov 21, 2019, L25: Student Project Presentation (Slides template)

  • Sat, Nov 23, 2019, Lecture makeup day

  • Tu, Nov 26, 2019, L26: Student Project Presentation (Slides template)

  • Sun, Dec 8, 2019, Due before 11:59 pm: Project Hand-ins

  • Mon, Dec 16, 2019, 7-10 pm: Final Exam